Sunday, February 6, 2011

Encouraging Savings (1978)

Today's featured stamp was issued by the Republic of Korea in the spring of 1978. The design depicts two ants carrying coins and has Korean words in the bottom right which translates to "encouraging savings." There is something about this stamp that seems to catch my eye every time I'm flipping through my stockbook. Perhaps it is the giant ants depicted on it. I'm not sure, but I tend to like looking at this stamp. The details surrounding this stamp issue are as follows:

  • Date of Issue: 01 April 1978
  • Scott Catalogue #: 1129
  • Korea Postage stamp Catalogue #: C785
  • Quantity Produced: 3,000,000

Ants have a well known reputation for being industrious and for hoarding resources for their ant colony, so it is pretty obvious why two ants were selected to be on a stamp encouraging savings. 

A look at this stamp issue on the Korea Stamp Society's website also includes the below announcement in blue made by South Korea's Ministry of Communication for this issue. If you haven't visited the Korea Stamp Society's website and you are a collector of Korean stamps then you are really missing out and need to visit us. Here's the description of this stamp released by the Ministry of Communication:

We are well aware that the only way to overcome numerous disasters such as diseases, damages, conflagrations and thefts which we are bound to encounter in the course of life, is to practice savings. 
It is all more obvious that without savings, we can hardly except to enjoy such comforts of life as affluent living, happy marriage and good education for our children. Not only are savings indispensable for everyone of us on an individual basis, but are also vital for the supply of investment funds required for the construction of a viable national economy. 
Owing to successful implementation of economic development plans for three consecutive periods, during the past 15years from 1962 through 1976, the Republic of Korea has achieved a remarkable economic growth in terms of quantity. For the 4th economic development-plan period, which was launched last year, a target has been set at the building of a stable welfare state in which all our people can enjoy a well-to-do life, with emphasis placed on national security and qualitative improvement of the national life, so that the nation can establish a self-sustaining national economy. 
A self-supporting economy means that all the investment funds required for economic growth be made available solely by the savings of the people. In the case of 1977, the 1st year of 4th Economic Develolment Plan, the savings of the people accounted for 24.8 percent, and overseas savings 0.6 percent, of the investment funds used, showing that a considerable part of investment funds was borne by national savings. The government plans to supply all investment funds through national savings by 1981, the last year of the 4th Plan period. 
On the occasion of observing the 2nd anniversary of the property formation savings system, on April 1, the Ministry of Communications issues a special postage stamp for encouraging savings for the purpose of promoting savings practice among the people, to help realize our common goal of individual affluence of all our people, and increased wealth and power of our country as a whole.

For those of us who are citizens of the United States the subject of savings (or a lack thereof) strikes near and dear and is being felt everywhere in this country. Our country would do well to not only release a new stamp issue encouraging savings, but our elected officials should be forced to keep an ant farm on their desks and in the chambers where they cast votes on how to spend taxpayer's dollars. Spending is out of control and if serious measures are not taken to rein spending back in our national debt will sink this country. For a very interesting breakdown of our national debt check out:

Back to stamps...if you are aware of any stamps (U.S. or foreign) previously released to encourage savings send me an email and let me know. Thanks.

Until next time...


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